Monday, 10 May 2010
will see you all in a few weeks!
xx L
Tuesday, 13 April 2010
Thursday, 8 April 2010
Artikel fra Vogue! Hende kan vi altså godt være stolte af...
Model Wall: Caroline Brasch Nielsen
Two months ago you would typically find Caroline Brasch Nielsen outdoors on her family’s farm, either working in the stables or jumping her horse, Pierre. “I’ve been riding competitively since I was six years old,” Caroline says. Since being scouted in a Copenhagen pizza bar—and instantly being cast in a whole slew of Paris fashion week shows (including Balenciaga and Dries Van Noten)—she hasn’t had much time for the barn these days. But you won’t hear her complaining! “I’m graduating from high school at the close of the semester and plan to focus on modeling.” Perhaps the only riding boots Caroline will be wearing will be on the runway.
Provenance: Kvistgaard, Denmark
What she’s wearing: Acne T-shirt
American Apparel peppered pullover
American Apparel striped skirt
Minnetonka moccasin boots
Maleen Neel rings
Céline bag
Source: Vogue
Friday, 2 April 2010
...And These 3 Minis!

Today I Dream: ...of these 3 maxis!

Thursday, 1 April 2010
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
Chanel News & Kortfilm
hvis I ligesom jeg ELSKER historien og mystikken bag Chanel og hele det univers der er bygget op omkring modehuset, så tjek den del af Chanels hjemmeside ud der hedder "Chanel News"
Her kan I se alt muligt backstage guf, interviews med Vanessa Paradis og den fineste lille kortfilm om Coco Chanel herself skrevet og instrueret af Lagerfeld himself! Det er altså good stuff!! Enjoy :)
There you'll find lots of great backstage stuff, interviews, photoshoots, and a short movie about Coco Chanel written and directed by Karl Lagerfeld himself! Its good stuff!! Enjoy :)
Tuesday, 23 March 2010
Nogen der har spottet den her i en DANSK H&M???

ELSKER den her bustier dress fra H&M. Fandt den på Chloe's blog:
Den er fra H&M og koster 40 $ I USA!!!! Kan overhovedt ikke finde den nogen som helst steder i DANMARK og vil bare så gerne EJE den!! Nogen der har spottet den et sted??
Spottet this H&M dress on Chloe's blog: but can't find it in any of the Danish stores and I really, really want it to be MINE!! :)
Sunday, 21 March 2010
...fitting SHOPPING into my schedual!

...Har ik' fået blogget særlig meget de sidste dage, - har stadig travlt med oversættelses-opgaven som jeg har deadline på på onsdag + alm. uni halløj og arbejde... Men synes alligevel lige jeg ville poste billeder af mine to nyeste køb (for shopping er der ALTID tid til :) )
kjolen er en just female sag til 400 kr. Faldt for nitte-detaljerne på ærmerne. Og så sidder den rigtig godt - bomuldsstrech på den gode måde! Har tænkt mig at paire den med læderlook leggins, mine sorte wedge støvler og et chunky sort/hvidt tørklæde til hverdag og med sorte strømper, fine sølvsmykker og stiletter til fest...
Nederdelen er rigtig fin "på". Den er fra H&M... Synes den er sådan lidt Alexa Chung agtig - højtaljet, balloneffekt og noget lidt sjovt stof og spøjs farve, men sammen med tykke sorte strømper, en tucked-in tank og en sort boyfriend blazer er den altså SUPER fin!
Skal både på (tidlig)weekend-ophold fra torsdag til fredag og til konfirmation søndag, så mon ik' jeg får prøverkørt noget af det der...
My newest buys - will be perfect with black tights, silver jewelry, a boyfriend blazer and wedges... Have lots of occasions to wear them to this week - will be great! Still busy with school, work and "extra" work these days though, so sorry for the lack of posts at the moment.. Will be back soon I hope! xoxo
Thursday, 18 March 2010
H&M Garden Collection
Wednesday, 17 March 2010
Like, Love, Isabel Marant
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
VOGUE Stylist For iPhone

Monday, 15 March 2010
Mandag Morgen /Monday Morning.

Monday = the beginning of a new week. Where we promise ourselves to start eating healthy (therefore the omelet with spinach and tomatoes) after a weekend full of junk... Made today's outfit ready last night so all I had to do was jump in them, but there is still one small dilemma left: which shoes to wear?? both pairs are fairly new. The defeeter wedges are probably my favorites at the moment, and the other pair i bought last week on sale. They were really, really cheap (12 dollars) and i love the chunky heel (which is not done quite justice on this photo)... What to choose??
Sunday, 14 March 2010
My Current H&M Top 10
Thursday, 11 March 2010
Gjorde forresten 2 super gode køb i går: 1 par fede sorte sko med den mest fede chunky hæl fra bianco - sat ned til 100 kr.!! og en fin Alexa Chung -like kort ballon-nederdel fra H&M med bred sort elastik-kant og ellers i sådan noget lyseblåt, lidt kraftigt stof. Den er super fin - skal nok se om ik' jeg kan få taget nogle billeder af den... Until then, ha' en rigtig go dag:) //L
Im super busy today, so won't be having much time to blog... I have to go to work from 9.15-18.15 - i have a lunch date with my sis (its her birthday!), + I am in the middle of a big translation job (danish to english) for a Danish Company + I have to do my actual homework and and and... :) Did two really great buys yesterday by the way - a pair of black, chunky shoes and a short skirt from H&M - I'll try to post pictures later! Have a great day, xoxo //L
Den perfekte læderjakke / The Perfect Leather Jacket

1. Den går til hoften, IKKE kun til taljen
2. Den har høj krave, which I love!
3. Ærmerne er tilpas lange
4. Den er figursyet og super simpel
Nogen, der skulle ligge inde med viden om hvor den er fra??? I'd appriciate! xoxo L
P.S. Fordi jeg ik har kunnet finde den læderjakke jeg ville ha, har jeg faktisk købt en sort trench coat i stedet for, men nu er jeg måske nødt til at ha begge??
...Finally found the kind of leatherjacket I've been looking for. It has all the things i want:
1. It goes to the hip (not the waist!)
2. It has a high collar, which i love!
3. The sleeves are perfectly long
4. It is fitted and very simple
Problem, dont know where its from, or what it costs (i imagine its kinda pricy!) so if anyone happens to know, i'd appriciate if you'd share your valuable info!! :) xoxo L
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
Early Morning In Paris...