My inspiration this spring is PARIS! Click on the collage to see larger image! These are all the things I wish were in my wardrobe this spring and that I'm planning on buying/wishing for my birthday! The color palet is navy, white, nude, beige, black, denim and grey - likes to keep it a little classic, but still young and chic! I wanna wear lots of skirts this spring, with warm tight underneath and pretty ballerinas and chunky heels. To give it all an edge I will play with hats and accessories, and incorporate the quilts, the stripes and the navy sailor look to give it that modern parisian Chanel-inspired twist! But its not just about the clothes! I read blogs by french girls all the time and i love them because they're just so stylish... their outfits, their figure, their sense of humour, their accent and their interest in fashion, art, photography... the city life, the strolls by the seine, the petite café's, just everything! ...Im reading a book about a young french woman at the moment. I wanna be like her!! I mean, i of course still wanna be me, but with a splash of her all over me;) ...Wish I was going to Paris this Spring, just a quick getaway, just a tini-tiny weekend trip... I wish! But so far my goal is to get my hands on as many of the items from my collage as possible, - thank god my birthday is comming up soon:)

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