hello, hello:) I'm back!! It's a new day, the sun is shining from a clear, frosty sky, and I'm having the day off. Could life be any better?? (...yeah it could, if i were at fashionweek!!!) BUT, i'm not gonna bitch about it. instead i'll be happy for all the money I'm saving... (okay fuck it, I really wanna go huhuuu!! ;) ) As I said I'm having the day off, and while studying for next weeks classes, - and in between facebooking, reading magazines, taking a footbath and watering my new orchid, I just squeezed in a little visit at smartgirl.dk! Here's what I found: A great outfit which I'm seriously thinking about investing in! A lot of it is on sale, so the total price is only a little past DKK 1000 and can be mixed and matched a 1000 ways:) Anyway, this was just my little input of the day, - I know it doesnt meassure up to all the live reports from the great shows in CPH that a lot of you other bloggers are throwing into blogspace these days, but I'm hoping you'll find a little bit of inspiration anyway:) xoxo /L

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